Random NPC Generator


The random NPC generator is a tool by AllThingsDnD that creates “non-player characters,” which refers to characters controlled by the dungeon master or storyteller rather than the players.

Here’s how the NPC generator works in layman terms:

  1. You visit a webpage that hosts the NPC generator. Here’s the webpage.
  2. On the webpage, you see a button that says “Generate Character.”
  3. When you click the button, the NPC generator randomly selects various attributes for the character, such as their name, race, class, alignment, and background.
  4. The generator combines these attributes to create a unique character description. For example, it might generate a character named “Grom the Barbarian,” who is a human with a chaotic good alignment and a backstory as a wandering warrior from a distant land. Or an incisive, Neutral Evil Half-Elf Sorcerer from a sad neighbourhood, who likes to lick thumb.

5. The webpage then displays the generated character’s name, description, and possibly an AI image to help you visualize the character.

6. You can click the “Generate Character” button again to create another random character with different attributes.

Click on the button below to go to the random NPC generator webpage!


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