Another Crossover Between Dungeons And Dragons And Magic The Gathering On The Way

It has been announced that DnD will release their second campaign setting from Magic: The Gathering -- Mythic Odysseys of Theros.


As revealed in a listing from Penguin Random House, Wizards of the Coast is setting up a new DnD campaign setting called Mythic Odysseys of Theros. The book is set to be released in May of this year. The last time Wizards and Magic: The Gathering had a crossover was the successful Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica which was released two years ago. 



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  1. “The name Theros first appeared in 2013 in ‘Mythic Odesseys of Theros’ ”
    No, the name Theros first appeared in the block and pack aptly named just ‘Theros’

    “and then experienced a resurgence in popularity in ‘Theros Beyond Death’ just last year.”
    Wrong again. Theros Beyond Death literally just came out in January 2020, so this year.

    “The character Theros is a Greek mythological creature”
    Wow, some research. Theros isn’t a creature. It’s a plane in the multiverse of Magic.

    If you are going to do an article about Magic & D&D, you really need to get your fact straight. Cause for supposedly being ALL THINGS D&D, you sure can’t even get your future crossover set backstory information right