• How My Sorcerer Got Two Crowning Moments in One Massive Fight

    This story takes place in a Curse of Strahd campaign, in which I play a half-elven phoenix sorcerer named Krymm Schwarzwulf, who was sent in by his superiors in an unknown guild to Barovia to investigate the recent goings-on in there. By this point of the campaign, I was at Level 5, while the ones...
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    Tales from the Broken Glass – The Wrath of Cryovain

    It hadn't been very long when the Glass Breakers had finally put an end to the Black Spider's plans, though things would quickly change for them. As it would turn out, Jameson – the party's rock gnome barbarian – had expressed a desire to return to Gnomengarde, having found something to live for, as he...
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    Irralis, the Worthy King – Part 1: The Initiation

    This story begins when four travelers arrive at the entrance of Nurh Taoul, a small port town located in the southern region of Terracune. There, they met a female grung named Fannora and, upon being asked, introduced themselves to the frog-like humanoid. One was a female yuan-ti cleric named Hari; the second was a naga...
  • How the Party Got Themselves An Epic Comeback After Nearly Dying

    As per usual with these stories, it's best that I talk a bit about the party members first before actually starting the story; in case you ask, yes, I decided to have them start at Level 3 as I initially meant for this game to be a one-shot: Sean – White Dragonborn Paladin 3 (Oath...
  • How Our DM Threw an Unexpected Plot Twist at the Very First Session

    Just last night (as of the time I began typing this entry), we had our very first session for a homebrew campaign that a friend of mine from college is running. The party was pretty small, consisting of only three members – Anya, a paladin that looked human but otherwise had this corpse-like look to...
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    Tales from the Broken Glass – Gauntlet at Cragmaw Castle

    Since it’s apparent that I’ll repeatedly be talking about this party in the foreseeable future, I’ll just list all of them here for future reference: Arthur Watanabe – Human Bard 3 (Lore) Riku Umezawa – Human Fighter 3 (Samurai) Makaria “Rare” Ivoryvine – Tiefling Cleric 3 (Knowledge) Jameson Tirlein – Rock Gnome Barbarian 1/Ranger 2...
  • How One of My Players Broke The Hearts of the Rest of the Party

    This story occurs in the same Tyranny of Dragons campaign I mentioned in my last story, and takes place not long after. To preface this, the player who had been playing the human wizard/knowledge cleric – the character’s name being Sedrik Schwartz – up until this point of the campaign informed me a few weeks...