• One Flew Over the… Heavily Fortified Military Base??

    I'll do a run down of the party.  Attitcus Aldritch, human wizard Voldun Kreishnetch, elf ranged fighter Tianchi, aasymar monk (Tianchi also had a NPC dragonborn companion named Mei) Kikuchiyo, warforged fighter (basically the character from the Samurai 7 anime) At this point in the campagn the group is aiding the True King of Esterlain...
  • The Suicide Siege

     I was a half-elf wizard named Ara. We also had a human Sorcerer naned Cynthia, a human Barbarian named Brick, and a elf ranger whose name started with a V… At one point in the campaign we were tasked by the prince of Rathmor (the kingdom we were in) to root out cultists working to...