
  • The Time I Left my Party to Die

    The game is pathfinder 1st edition. And while not technically my first introduction to Dungeons and Dragons esc games, it is my first ever game with this particular d20 based system and the first time I'm playing with more than two people not including the DM. The party is already three sessions in and a...
  • My Favorite Recurring Reference in D&D

    The party enteres the hidden room, empty save for the lone skeleton slumped against the far stone wall.  The flickering flame of their torches  send insects scattering, fleeing from the first light to grace these stones in centuries.  The faded green of the skeletons hat and tunic stands in stark contrast to the cold grey...
  • I accidentally derailed the campaign. Twice.

    I jump at any chance where I don't have to DM, that being said I have a bad habit of Mix/Maxing and I suck at roleplaying(as far as not metagaming goes) but I try my damnnest to not spoil everybody elses fun. An old friend of mine wanted to run Hoard of the Dragon Queen...
  • Blinky the lvl One Alchemist kills the BBEG in her first session

    I’ve been playing tabletop RPGs in their various incarnations since D&D 3.5. So when my friends were looking for a 5th player to round out the party I jumped in on the chance to play an unfamiliar system. Game was classic pathfinder setting with some carry over from 3.5 that the DM loved, and refused...