
  • A night of secrets (Star Wars 5e)

    I'm playing in a Star Wars 5e campaign that is still ongoing. Its theme takes place a few years after episode 3 and the start of the solo movie. Our player's content is a human fighter, a cowboy bounty hunter Mandalorian who always wants to make more credits from his clients and become the next...
  • How my changeling assassin tricked an army

    This campaign I’m still in takes place in Wildemount after the event of Mat Mercer’s critical role campaign 2, the Mighty Nien. Players are half-elf blade slinger wizard who wants to become the Raven Queen’s next champion. Next, an aasimar conquest paladin is a noble, calm, relaxed guy serving as the group’s tank. Next, a...
  • How the bard saves the party from a TPK.

    This one campaign I was in took place in a prison dungeon that I and my party took there at the beginning of the session. We started at LVL 4 so that we can have are class archetypes, and lets us have one common item and extra 50 gold with our starting gear so that...