This is the story of how tiny elven wizard beat a giant dragonborn fighter in an arm wrestling competition.
The party is spending the night in a tavern when the paladin and the fighter decide theyre going to arm wrestle. The barmen all make a big show of it, clear tables, all that jazz since both of them are huge characters. The fighter and paladin try to hype up the crowd to no avail. Going for best 2/3, while theyre tied at 1-1 the little wizard pipes up that he's taking on the winner with a completely straight face. We all laugh at the thought of it, not expecting him to have this plan. The fighter wins and the wizard steps up to the plate. This 5ft nothing high elf is now sitting accross the table from our 7ft tall bronze dragon born who is just rippling with muscle. First round before the players even get to roll, the wizard player anounces the fighters roll will be a 1 no matter what using his divination. So the wizard slams the fighters mit to the table with a smirk. Obviously some kind of fluke they set up for round 2. Again the wizard uses divination to make the fighter roll a 5. for some context, the fighter has a Str. of 19 so a +4 while the the wizard has a Str. of 6 so -2. The wizard had to roll at least a 12 to win and thats exactly what he rolled. So with a shove of all his tiny might the wizard wins again, impresses the entire bar and takes all the winnings.
He refused to defend his title and quit while he was ahead.