50 Out of Context Funny DnD Quotes From Funniest Campaigns (R rated)
"Can I try to convince the goblin to join our band as a tambourine player?"
"Can I try to convince the goblin to join our band as a tambourine player?"
Marvel Characters in the world of RPG, who wouldn't want that?
"Kill the hags and save my friends and the children?" Agnes asked of the strange woman.
Based on your character and habits, find out which D&D class you belong to.
Why do you think people are like this?
Clerics are a popular choice among Dungeons & Dragons players, offering versatility in combat and mastery of divine magic, known as thaumaturgy. Their exceptional healing...
There's no such thing as a 'normal' D&D session.
Bow down with laughter, people.
Three books of monsters have these beings, some lurk in the deep but some have wings.
Druids are a fun class to play in DnD. They harness the mystical powers of nature, enveloped in an aura of natural magic. Unlike clerics,...
The time in which the DM's side game was overrun with shenanigans of the highest order by the Wizard and Cleric.
"I hope that all the gods will bless you my friends, and that our next meeting is over tea instead of over my work."
It started as a rough story with my at the time girlfriend. She made an Elven Ranger named Forrest, and I made a Human Paladin...
How our Covenant Special Forces Squad locked themselves into a Biolab Quarentine.