
  • How a lost rule led to a ashen town and a new BBEG

    So back when i was with my old group with friends we were playing through my dms custom campaign for dnd 5e. The group consisted of : . A satyr druid (chaotic neutral , got us in trouble with civilisation on more than one occasion) . A drow bard named donny ( had legendary persuasion...
  • DnD Story #168 – The no longer luckiest rogue

    I started DMing for my first time and i wanted to give freedom to everyone and not get stuck in a linear story, so before i get all characters together i did a bit of solo story making them make their decisions and the story i wanted to share was with our Rogue, which in...
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    DnD Story #120 – A Thorough Investigation

    (Spoilers for Curse of Strahd Below) So, I’m DMing a game of CoS, and my party finally makes it to Barovia. They’re spooked and wandering through this ghost town, wondering where the hell they ended up. “You notice a pair of children crying in the middle of the street.” The group approaches and questions them....
  • The Tale of the Illiterate Child-Puncher

    This was my first D&D session. I played a CG ranger and my friend played an LG fighter. We were playing Hoard of the Dragon Queen, escorting a wagon of something or other (I forget what it was, but it was not important). We got attacked by a few goblins, dealt with them pretty quickly....