From the Journal of Dr. Mordenheim

An excerpt from the personal journal of Dr. Viktra Mordenheim, the Darklord of the Domain of Lamordia as she creates the latest of her hunters in search for Elise.


Dr. Viktra Mordenheim's Log #112:

I didn't expect this to happen again. I was returning to my lab this morning when a spectral entity, a Ghost I believe emerged from the walls. She appeared in the form of a little girl, she seemed frightened I suppose, as frightened as a Ghost can be. She was dressed strangely, like no one I have seen in Lamordia before.

I was able to contain her within one of my containment units that I've used previously. It is nothing that I haven't dealt with before, Ghosts are rare in these lands, but not unheard of especially closer to the Sleeping Beast.

But something about this one is different. I will have to investigate her and uncover more about what borught her here. I do not believe that it was chance, perhaps there may yet be a use for this being.

 Dr. Viktra Mordenheim's Log #113:

Following up on my previous journal entry relating to the spectral entity that was found in the process of invading Schloss Mordenheim.

The containment of the spectral entity that I have come to know is named Penelope Godefroy has been difficult. I have had to contain such beings before either from within the borders of Lamordia, or when they cross over through the mists that surround this land. This one however is… different somehow.

She is far more powerful than I had originally anticipated. I believe that this is somehow connected to the powers that be in these Mists. The containment unit that I am holding her in does not appear to be particularly effective unlike in past cases of spectral interference. If she truly is from this place she calls Mordent, then perhaps there is far more to this world than I had previously anticipated.

I am attempting to strengthen the containment unit. I believe that there may be some value in this, perhaps I may be able to find Elise finally by using this Penelope Godefroy to my advantage. The question is how will I be able to do so. I will need to delve once more into the sciences that allowed me to craft the Unbreakable Heart and perhaps then I will know what I need to do.

For now, I will work on strengthening the containment unit to ensure that the Spectral Entity does not escape.

Dr. Viktra Mordenheim's Log #114:

During my research I have questioned Penelope Godefroy further about this place she calls Mordent.She seems mostly unaware of the location as a whole other than the place she calls Gryphon Hill. When she mentions her father she appears to be angry towards him, my attempts to press her further about it only results in her refusing to speak further.

Mordent seems, interesting to me, a different Domain from Lamordia. But this talk of mysticism and magic is pointless. Magic has no place in my work, but these ghosts… they are different somehow. I will continue to do my studies on her and take further notes on her.

I am expecting a shipment from Neufurchtenburg's processing plants. They have found a new material within the caves of the Sleeping Beast that I have dubbed Blackiron Blood. It is a metal that is a liquid at room temperature, but does not have the same properties as other such metals such as Mercury.

I put no credence into the local superstitions about the Sleeping Beast, but that does not mean I am not curious about the origin of this material. Perhaps we will find out what the true nature of these mountains are someday, but for now I will apply science to it.

Dr. Viktra Mordenheim's Log #115:

My research into the properties of Blackiron Blood have already begun to yield results. I believe that I have found a material that will lead to great benefits for my experiments. When I exposed Penelope to it, it seemed to cause a reaction of some sort. This is curious, perhaps it will be of further use to me.

I will continue to study this. Penelope is attempting to escape again and the containment unit is on the verge of breaking.

Dr. Viktra Mordenheim's Log #116:


I was able to strengthen the Containment Unit using the Blackiron Blood. For now it appears to outright bind the Spectral Entity to the unit. A curious effect of the material, but I believe that I will be able to find more uses for it still.

Perhaps this is what I will need in order to find Elise. She is still out there somewhere in Lamordia, I recieved a report from Ludendorf that a whaling crew had seen a woman with a glowing heart on the far western shore of Lamordia. I sent my servants there to investigate it, but she was long gone by the time they arrived.

I am starting to believe that this will require far more than just my servants.  I will continue my research into the Blackiron Blood and request more from Neufurchtenburg for my studies. Perhaps this bizarre fascination the locals have with me will have some uses after all.

I will need test subjects, what I have on hand is insufficient for my needs.

Dr. Viktra Mordenheim's Log #117:

I have used my knowledge from the previous development of the Unbreakable Heart mixed with the Blackiron Blood to develop what I have dubbed the Indomitable Crafts. creations of mine that have been built to make my Hunters more powerful. The first of them is the Containment unit holding Penelope Godefroy, if one can tap into the power of the Ghost within, they will become far more powerful.

My test subjects arrived today. They are an odd mixed bunch, some locals from Lamordia, others seem to be from beyond the mists. I have carried out my experiments with the crafts and see if they yield results.

One subject that has caught my attention is a female Elf I believe they call her. She may yet prove interesting. Perhaps she will be one of the successes.

Dr. Viktra Mordenheim's Log #118:

Failure, I regret that most of my test subjects were killed in the process. Those that have survived were those who did not reject the implantation process. one that passed was the Elf who had been mentioned in my previous log, who I had implanted with the containment unit. She did not survive the process.

Very well, while it is a shame I will begin the process of converting her into one of my servants. I will attempt to implant the containment device within another host.

Dr. Viktra Mordenheim's Log #119:

I was not expecting this result.

When I worked to animate the deceased Elf, the reaction was unusual. She awoke but with no memory of what had happened to her, or even who she was. She had a mix of her old memories and that of Penelope godefroy. Some testing found that she had merged with the spirit of the deceased girl, a most unexpected result.

It seems that my experiment was not as unsuccessful as I first thought. The Indomitable Craft with the Containment Unit worked better than I could have dreamed. It granted this woman power, even if she does not remember who she was or how she got here, at least not completely.

I have given her the name Daevra Levonosk. She along with the other successes will be returned to Ludendorf University. From there, they will hunt for Elise, wherever she may be hiding within Lamordia.

I am certain that I will soon be reunited with Elise, and with the Unbreakable Heart… I will soon be reunited with you my love.



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