
  • CrimsonFlame2K posted an update 4 years ago

    Not a story this time, since it’s not very long, but this is a pretty hilarious moment from a session of a Curse of Strahd campaign I recently joined, in which I played a half-elven phoenix sorcerer named Krymm Schwarzwulf. Anyway, the party was in an inn found at the town of Vallaki and, having stayed behind on the common room along with the goliath barbarian and dwarven ranger (at least, I think it was a ranger), decided to partake on some heavy drinking, as that’s what I decided to make his fatal flaw.

    I was around six drinks in, and I rolled pretty well on my Constitution saves for the most part, so I was only a little tipsy by that point. The barbarian then commented, “Damn, you sure can drink a lot”, to which Krymm responded, “I frequently went out with my associates back home for drinks at night. I can handle my fair share of liquor just fine.”

    I then have another drink and roll my Constitution save. Natural 1. Krymm passes out.

    Yep. My alcoholic sorcerer tempted fate in the most hilarious way, and this was mere minutes before we ended the session. Masterful comedic timing, if I do say so myself.