
  • CrimsonFlame2K posted an update 3 years, 11 months ago

    So, I finally resumed my Tyranny of Dragons campaign yesterday after a month-long hiatus (both because I had begun running low on steam for running it and because I needed to focus more on school work at the moment).

    After several sessions of not even managing to land a hit on him in a row, I somehow manage to not only hurt the goddamn rock gnome barbarian/ranger, but also land a critical hit on him with a bite attack from one of the Cave Bears I threw at the party and leave him pretty damn close to the red in regards to HP by the time that encounter was over with.

    Naturally, I was pretty ecstatic to finally have put the barbarian through the same amount of hell I’ve put most of the others through.

    Am I a sadistic DM? Yes, and I am gonna own it, dammit!

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