Platforms Which Let You Play DnD Online Even On Quarantine

You can still play DnD while on quarantine - just go online!


How many days has it been that we aren’t able to hang out with friends and play some DnD? For weeks the global pandemic COVID-19 has halted many an ongiong campaign and stopped many new ones from taking place. But did you know that you can resume those campaigns, and start some new ones, by just going online? 

Many of you will already know about some online platforms to play DnD on. But for those hesitant on this venture, or for those who haven’t tried yet, here are some ways you can play your favorite table-top RPG on a virtual table!


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  1. You left out Tabletop Simulator on Steam. It’s a cheap 3D virtual world that lets everyonre roll 3D dice, move miniatures, and control their own virtual camera. I build dungeons there and have hosted up to 7 players.